Wednesday 24 November 2010

JN 2053 Data Skills Test

The latest film in the Harry Potter franchise Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 has smashed UK box office records with an approximate intake of £18.3 million in the opening weekend.

Its predecessor, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince earned over $900 million worldwide in 2009, with the combined global earnings of the previous six films totalling £362.39 billion.

Each of the six films feature in the UK Film Council's top 20 films of all time.

The chart below shows the top ten grossing films in the UK box office. Topping the list is James Cameron’s Avatar, which earned £83.2 million.

But with the second part of the film coming in 2011 and such a successful opening weekend, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 could top the records.

Link to article on Guardian Data Blog

Link to UK Film Council's statistics

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